Comments on: Bush Administration Keeps Secret Damaging NIE on Afghanistan
Investigative ReportingTue, 28 Feb 2017 09:43:36 +0000hourly1http://wordpress.org/?v=3.9.2By: taice
Tue, 14 Oct 2008 09:14:40 +0000http://murraywaas.crooksandliars.com/2008/09/24/bush-administration-keeps-secret-damaging-nie-on-afghanistan/#comment-390ЗанимаюÑÑŒ дизайном и хочу попроÑить автора murraywaas.crooksandliars.com отправить шаьлончик на мой мыил) Готов заплатить…
]]>By: Pakhal Votan
Sun, 28 Sep 2008 15:52:08 +0000http://murraywaas.crooksandliars.com/2008/09/24/bush-administration-keeps-secret-damaging-nie-on-afghanistan/#comment-372I’m not surprised. Our nation has made a business of keeping old secrets and making new ones. Our middle-class is led to serfdom while the elite use our energies to wage wars for their own pockets and securities. Our soldiers fight 2 seperates wars (that they’d openly admit); the reasons for going to each war is questionable; and our economy and infrastructure at home is degrading, and fast. They have spent trillions on defense and military, They’ll discuss a $700billion “bailout” for a corrupt market, yet when asked for $600million to provide national healthcare, they claim that sum was too much to spend….hush now, don’t worry, they have secret plans and assessments, have some faith.
]]>By: Ricardo Felippa
Sun, 28 Sep 2008 06:51:30 +0000http://murraywaas.crooksandliars.com/2008/09/24/bush-administration-keeps-secret-damaging-nie-on-afghanistan/#comment-371LIES, LIES, LIES: Many, many years ago in a talk with my canadien ( U.S. citizen )wife that if you wanted to go to the U.S.S.R we all knew will be slaves of the system, in contrary the good U.S.A. said with a picture of the stature ( sorry , statue ) of that Beautiful Lady from France, that HERE you can do anything !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Including a President of that Great ( past tense ) Country. ALL LIES, you start at the botton rod of the choock ( Aussie for chicken ) house and EVERYBODY shits on you. So, we move, Thank to God ( sorry it is not mention in our paper money ! ) we did. Another is ( so many freebies you have ) FREE ELECTIONS. At U$4 million a day for both candidates ( thanks God you have a only 2 party system, right and ultra right )can you called that????? All The Best, U$700 Billions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK