Monthly Archives: February 2009

The Big Stone Wall: Nine Bush Era Senior Officials Refused to Cooperate with DOJ probes

New piece out on Talking Points Memo: At least nine Bush administration officials refused to cooperate with various Justice Department investigations during the final days of the Bush presidency, according to public records and interviews with federal law enforcement officials … Continue reading

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Missy Higgins: “Where I Stood”

I don’t know anything at all about this singer, Missy Higgins, except I was just listening to radio and was blown away by what I heard. What a revelation. Mournful, soulful, and eloquent all at once. This was like when … Continue reading

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Karl Rove to Cooperate with federal grand jury probing firings of U.S. attorneys; As for Congress, that’s another story

I have a story posted tonight on Talking Points Memo quoting Karl Rove’s attorney saying that Rove will cooperate with the federal grand jury probe of the firings of nine U.S. attorneys. The lede to the story: Karl Rove will … Continue reading

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