Elton John endorses Hillary Clinton.  What next?  Rod Stewart for McCain?  Anyone know who the Indigo Girls are supporting?

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Richardson ‘hearts’ Obama

Richardson endorses Obama.   Significant, for any reasons, but foremost among them was Richardson’s long service in the Clinton administration, including serving as Ambassador of the U.N.  The endorsement also undercuts the argument that Obama doesn’t have the requisite experience for the presidency:  Every time a seasoned hand, such Bill Bradley or Richardson, endorses Obama, that is a clear indication that those with the experience this Obama is the better qualified candidate.

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Apparently no vote for Michigan.  Like Florida, disenfranchised.

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Florida Disenfrnachised Again

Apparently, there will no primary voting for Florida that will count.   We have pundits, political reporters, and people who seem to do nothing else but bloviate on cable television all of their waking ours– and ours too.  (We should ignore them, sometimes.)

The fact that Floridians will not going to vote could have immense consequences for the Democratic nominee, whoever that might be, and our national politics, if the nomination race is not won decisively by one candidate or another.   Extraordinary that hasn’t been the lead story in the news, along with what it means.

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Obama Throws the Kitchen Sink at Himself!

Obama throws kitchen sink at himself. The Chicago Tribune reports:

“Sen. Barack Obama is trying to air his dirty laundry– even some items that might appear just a little wrinkled– as he prepares a full assault on Sen. Hilary Clinton over ethics and transparency….

“With a gap between campaign contests, Obama is trying to unload controversies. On Friday, he hld extended conversations with the Tribune and Chicago Sun-Times about his relationship with indicted developer and fund raiser Antoin “Tony” Rezko…

“The Illinois Democrat is also expected to make public his tax returns for several years before 2006…”

This comment I posted last week doesn’t look so wrong– now!

Not mentioned in the Tribune story was that Obama made public all his earmarks last week. Clinton hasn’t. By getting rid of that dirty laundry– if one were to consider it that– Obama and his campaign can make a credible claim on the issue of Hilary Clinton refusing to disclose her earmarks– and tax returns.

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As Democrats expertly consider snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, Republicans work to implode as well

The Republicans are in deep trouble, too. If Democrats are expert at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, Republicans seem just as determined this time out to implode. Consider the following factoids from this Washington Post story:

*In Arkansas, the state’s Republican party can’t even find someone to run against Democratic Senator Mark Pryor. What is left out of the Post article is that like most Southern or boarder states, Arkansas has become increasingly Republican, although it as far as electing members of Congress and governors, it has not become as Republican as most other Southern states. Democratic seats in the South have turned over into Republican ones at a steady pace over the last two decades. The rare exceptions to that have been when an ineffective and unpopular Republican (think Lacuh Fiarcloth of North Carolina) has been challenged by an attractive and well financed challenger (think John Edwards.) But that has become increasingly rare. Arkansas had been an exception, where there are two Democratic Senators, both popular, and likely to be reelected.

*Stuart Rothenberg on the Republicans’ chances: “The math is against them. The environment is against them. The money is against them. This is one of those cycles that if you’re a Republican strategist, you just want to go into the bomb shelter.”

*Rep. Thomas M. Davis III, (R-Va.): “You have a very unhappy electorate, which is no surprise with oil at $108 a barrel, stocks down to a few thousand points, a war in Iraq with no end in sight and a president who is still very, very unpopular. He’s just killed the Republican brand.”

Update: Despite all of this, most polls show Republican presumptive nominee McCain currently running neck-in-neck in a general election run against either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. Of course, polls don’t mean much of anything, and even less so, so long before an actual election. But McCain might have been the Republican presidential nominee most likely to run the strongest race against Obama or Clinton. All of the talk about the Republican base staying home, while a legitimate issue, is probably vastly overstated. But no other Republican candidate has the ability to draw Independents and Democrats like McCain.

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Another writer’s strike.  This time, though, over at DailyKos.

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Super delegates are no longer super delegates. The Clinton campaign divines as such to news organizations, that such is the case, and the AP, appears to go along. How special.

In the meantime, if one clicks on and reads to the post and link two below, a lot more of these “special” or “super delegates” are reps. of the Democratic National Committee. Hat’s off to Paul West of the Baltimore Sun for a piece of political reporting that I haven’t seen elsewhere.

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“There’s an arms race between truth and fiction, and at the moment, the truth doesn’t appear to be winning.”

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Is Hilary Clinton the Democratic National Committee’s candidate?  Read this Baltimore Sun article by Paul West.

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