Category Archives: Uncategorized
When the war is over the demons still persist
My friend Greg Mitchell on the epidemic of suicides by Gulf War veterans.
Sydney Pollack, RIP
Sydney Pollack dead at 73. Besides having been one of the greatest directors of his time, he put out some acting performances not long before his deah. His role in Michael Clayton. But also his playing a prison oncologist in … Continue reading
Andy Stern?
Andy Stern as Obama’s running mate? Who is floating that? David Brooks. No kidding.
Wicker v. Musgrove
In the reddest of red states, is it possible that a Democrat will win? Two interesting things about this Mississippi race: One, Wicker, the Republican is, technically an incumbent. The power of incumbency even for a short period of time … Continue reading
Al Qaeda recruits teenage suicide bombers in Iraq
This from the Associated Press tonight: “BAGHDAD — The Iraqi military on Monday displayed a group of weeping teenagers who said they had been forced into training for suicide bombings by a Saudi militant in the last urban … Continue reading
Where’s the Edwards’ endorsement?
An interesting piece about why John Edwards has not endorsed anyone and might not for a while, if at all. Edwards, if he were to endorse Obama, would be the one who would end the entire dog fight going on … Continue reading
Elton John endorses Hillary Clinton. What next? Rod Stewart for McCain? Anyone know who the Indigo Girls are supporting?
Richardson ‘hearts’ Obama
Richardson endorses Obama. Significant, for any reasons, but foremost among them was Richardson’s long service in the Clinton administration, including serving as Ambassador of the U.N. The endorsement also undercuts the argument that Obama doesn’t have the requisite experience for … Continue reading