Category Archives: Uncategorized
Florida Disenfrnachised Again
Apparently, there will no primary voting for Florida that will count. We have pundits, political reporters, and people who seem to do nothing else but bloviate on cable television all of their waking ours– and ours too. (We should ignore … Continue reading
Obama Throws the Kitchen Sink at Himself!
Obama throws kitchen sink at himself. The Chicago Tribune reports: “Sen. Barack Obama is trying to air his dirty laundry– even some items that might appear just a little wrinkled– as he prepares a full assault on Sen. Hilary Clinton … Continue reading
As Democrats expertly consider snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, Republicans work to implode as well
The Republicans are in deep trouble, too. If Democrats are expert at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, Republicans seem just as determined this time out to implode. Consider the following factoids from this Washington Post story: *In Arkansas, … Continue reading
Super delegates are no longer super delegates. The Clinton campaign divines as such to news organizations, that such is the case, and the AP, appears to go along. How special. In the meantime, if one clicks on and reads to … Continue reading
“There’s an arms race between truth and fiction, and at the moment, the truth doesn’t appear to be winning.”
Is Hilary Clinton the Democratic National Committee’s candidate? Read this Baltimore Sun article by Paul West.
Hilary Clinton plays hardball regarding the Michigan and Florida delegations. This from the NYT:” “Reflecting how tense the situation has become, influential fund-raisers for Senator Hilary Rodham Cllnton have stepped up their behind-the-scenes pressure on national party leaders to resolve … Continue reading